An online class is taught asynchronously according to a course schedule and does not require a meeting at any particular time. If needed, an instructor may arrange synchronous sessions for instruction or office hours. A weekly class will consist of a lecture (a presentation or a recording), readings, online discussion participation, exercises or assignments (CatholicU uses Blackboard for instruction).
With the online curriculum, School Library Media (SLM) students can complete the degree by taking all online courses. Other students may also complete their degree requirements by taking all online courses based on this sequence. Meanwhile, students can take a practicum in the D.C. area, or any area of their choice. A comprehensive exam is required and taken during the last semester or after the last semester as a graduation requirement.
There is no requirement for online students to visit campus. The new student orientation recording is available online via the student Blackboard course, and each student is encouraged to communicate with his or her faculty advisor either on the phone or via email. Students may follow the below course sequence, and take one or two courses as part-time or three or four courses if full-time. Students may opt to register for on-campus classes. The M.S.L.I.S. program must be completed within four years.
See Technology's Services info on taking online classes: Resources and tips for distance learning.
Course Sequence
Fall |
Spring |
Summer |
LSC 551: Organization of Information* |
LSC 553: Information Sources and Services* |
LSC 641: Collection Development and Management |
LSC 606: Cataloging and Classification LSC 612 Foundations of Digital Libraries LSC 672: Management LSC 731: Media Integration in the Curriculum |
LSC 635: Human Information Behavior LSC 650: Information Architecture and Web Design |
LSC 654: Database Management LSC 675: Research Methods in Library and Information Science LSC 752: Design and Production of Multimedia |
*LSC 551, 553, 555, & 557 are required for all students and are also available face-to-face on campus.