Interested in being a part of our alumni profiles page? Send us any information you’d like to share at You can write about your current or past positions, professional affiliations, recognition, awards, or anything you’d like to share! Please include your current position information and a recent photograph for the page.

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 20212020 |2019 |2018 |2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 20122011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2007 | 2006  | 2005  | 2000| 1997 |  1994 |  1991| 1983 | 1979 | 1978 | 1974



Suzanne E. Joseph, PhD, MSLIS 2024Joseph

Reference Archivist Intern, Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, National Anthropological Archives (NAA)

“Catholic University of America’s MSLIS program with its distinguished faculty and broad course offerings does an unparalleled job of preparing prospective librarians, archivists, and special collections/rare books practitioners for collaborative work that impacts student learning and scholarly research. The training opportunities I have enjoyed through CUA University Libraries, the Library of Congress, and the Smithsonian Institution have inspired me as an anthropological scholar and academic librarian to explore new partnerships that support and promote special collections through instruction and digitization.”


Benjamin Sussman, MSLIS 2022Sussman

Access Services Librarian / DML Facilities Manager
Dahlgren Memorial Library, The Graduate Health & Life Sciences Research Library at Georgetown University Medical Center

“I was recently promoted to Access Services Librarian at Dahlgren Memorial Library, where I will be taking an active public-facing role of training GUMC patrons on how to use the library’s digital resources to run clinical diagnoses within their curriculum. My other primary duties include managing the entire library physical facility operations and overseeing the day-to-day operations of our student workers. This latter role, combined with my MLIS class assignments on using Omeka and formulating Best Practices guidelines for archives, led me to pursue a side position as Archivist for the Maryland Lynching Memorial Project. My work for the MLMP to create an Omeka-based digital archive is ongoing, and we are always looking for volunteer researchers! Finally, I am a teaching assistant for a collaboration with CUA and GUMC to create a course (independently taught at both institutions) titled, 'Sherlock Holmes: The Diagnostic Detective,” that educates on the application of the deductive logic of Sherlock Holmes to clinical practice.“

Miranda J. Selover, MSLIS 2022

Episcopal High School

“In this role, I manage a wide range of library tasks including cataloging, circulation, collection development, and programs.  I also run the library's Instagram account and help with displays to get students and faculty involved in the library.  My school is a boarding school, so the library is both the school library and the residential faculty and students' 'public' library."


Emily Swain, MSLIS 2022emily swain

Student of the Year 2021-2022

TechLab Manager, Librarian I
Sherwood Regional Library

“My title is TechLab Manager, Librarian I with Fairfax County Public Library . I manage the makerspace at the Sherwood Regional Library branch as well as provide reference services." 

Bijana Milenkovic, MSLIS 2022 milenkovic.jpg

Librarian, Southeast Europe Section, Germanic & Slavic Division, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Directorate, Discovery & Preservation Services
Library of Congress

“Prior to joining the Library of Congress I worked as a Librarian at the D.C. Public Library overseeing the DCPL Memory Lab operations."



Hana Beckerlehbeckerle_loc_headshot.jpg

Student of the Year 2020-2021

Digital Imaging Specialist
Library of Congress

“My job title is Digital Imaging Specialist, in the Digitization Services Section, Library of Congress.  I work on digitizing the LOC's collections to make them accessible to the public on or to onsite researchers (for items under copyright or with other restrictions) through the Library's Stacks platform.  In this role I'm able to handle a wide range of collections, materials, and work with professionals from many other areas within the library, including curatorial divisions, conservators, metadata specialists, web developers, and more.  
My experience at the CUA MSLIS program was wonderful.  I joined the program after working in another field for almost a decade, and my time at CUA confirmed that I had made the right choice for my career change.  The faculty are all knowledgeable and care a great deal about student success, and are passionate about libraries and their areas of specialization.  During the pandemic, I feel that everyone in the department worked hard to maintain some send of community and provide support to each other even though we couldn't be on campus together.  The knowledge and experiences gained through my coursework and my position at Mullen Library set me up for success and provided a great foundation for my first professional position in libraries.”

Mark Welch, MSLIS 2021mark welch

Middle School Librarian 
Gilman School in Baltimore, MD



Elizabeth Ajunwa, MSLIS 2020Elizabeth Ajunwa

Librarian III
Prince George’s County Memorial Library System (Glenarden Branch)

“Right after graduation (May 2020), I got a promotion! I am now a Librarian III and manage the Glenarden Branch Library of the Prince George’s Memorial Library.

“I continue to use the knowledge and skills I gained from my MLIS degree in the work I do everyday.”


Hanna Johns, MSLIS 2020

Student of the Year 2019-2020

UMBC Library


Khulud Elnur Khudur, MSLIS 2020Khulud Khudur

Librarian and Media Specialist
HD Cooke Elementary School

Mary’s Center School Mental Health Champion 2019
Harvard University Project Zero Fellowship 2018

Khulud Elnur Khudur is currently a first year Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) student concentrating in (lung) cancer.
While she was pursuing her MSLIS degree, she worked with the District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) as a Librarian and Media Specialist. One highlight of her experience was to edit and publish students’ work in ShoutMouse Press Khulud and her coworkers were nominated for the Excellence in Innovation Award based on their innovative projects after the completion of Harvard University’s Project Zero fellowship. This was an extremely competitive award and a total of only 3 schools were nominated for this award in the Standing Ovation 2019 for District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Award Ceremony. In addition, in 2019 Khulud received highly effective (highest work recognition) for her work as a librarian and media specialist and was honored in the Standing Ovation 2020 for District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) Award Ceremony. She states that Catholic University has prepared her to succeed in the workplace and in life.

She is passionate, driven, and tenacious person with a strong interest in LIS, cancer, disease control, prevention, policy, leadership, and global health. In the future, Khulud plans to take her skills and work in a federal agency.


Ashley Matthews, MSLIS 2020

Reference & Instructional Services Librarian
George Mason University, Antonin Scalia Law School

Ashley currently teaches legal research to first-year law students and provides legal reference assistance to all patrons. Her scholarly interests include legal research instruction, reconfiguring law library space, and access to justice. She has been a guest speaker at the Capital Area Legal Writing Conference and CALIcon, and most recently had an article published in the Women's Rights Law Reporter. She has also published a chapter in the book Millennial Leadership in Law Schools: Essays on Disruption, Innovation, and the Future. Ashley has previously worked with legal non-profits to increase funding for civil legal aid, raised awareness about Public Service Loan Forgiveness for public interest attorneys and law students, and provided career guidance to public interest law students nationwide.

Richard Baker McElroy, MSLIS 2020Richard Baker McElroy

Acquisitions Specialist, Acquisitions & Deposits Division
U.S. Copyright Office


Melissa Harris, MSLIS 2019Melissa Harris

Library Database & Catalogue Specialist
Oak Spring Garden Foundation

Geraldine Kalim, MSLIS 2019Geraldine Kalim

Reference & Faculty Services Librarian,
George Mason University,
Antonin Scalia Law School

Karen Berry, MSLIS 2019Karen Berry

Instruction Librarian
John Preston McConnell Library
Radford University

Lachelle Smith, MSLIS 2019Lachelle Smith

Allied Health Sciences Librarian, Instructor
Augusta University

Grace Bellino, MSLIS 2019Grace Bellino

Librarian at the Library of Congress

Megan Bell, MSLIS 2019Megan Bell

Assistant Head of Circulation
Gum Spring, Loudoun County Public Library


Lisa Moore, MSLIS 2019Lisa Moore

Reference Archivist
Amistad Research Center
New Orleans, Louisiana


Babak Zarin, MSLIS 2019zarin.jpg

Student of the Year 2018-2019

Access Services Librarian
Central Rappahannock Regional Library


Mary Cate Matta, MSLIS 2018Mary Cate Matta

Student of the Year 2018-2019

Research Librarian
Duane Morris, LLP

George Koors, MSLIS 2018George Koors

Reference Coordinator and Adjunct English Faculty Member
American University

“What a privilege it was to be a part of the CUA MLIS program! As a part of that community, I grew into the librarian I am today. With careful attention to theory and current practice, the faculty shared with us so much about our field, industry ideals, future careers, and potential academic experiences. I really am grateful to have learned so much. CUA’s MLIS program is so open and welcoming as well. Our cohort was diverse in interest and background, and as such we were able to have complex and engaging discussions. I felt at home in a wide variety of courses. As a library professional, I am proud to have worked with such grounded and intelligent faculty and staff members.”



Kamaria Hatcher, MSLIS 2017Kamaria Hatcher

Assistant Museum Librarian
Reader Services
Nolen Library
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Lauren Hester, MSLIS 2017Lauren Hester

Student of the Year 2017-2018

Assistant Systems Manager
Fairfax County Public Library System

Vishma Bhattarai, MSLIS 2017Vishma Bhattarai

Librarian,  Enoch Pratt Free Library

Emily WagnerEmily L. Wagner, MSLIS 2017

Student of the Year 2016-2017

Information Manager
American Library Association, Washington Office

“CUA’s library department faculty are some of the most welcoming, service-oriented people I have ever had the privilege to work with and learn from. They come from impressive backgrounds, encourage “thinking big” about the future of the field, and are remarkably interested in getting to know students and to foster our growth. I feel lucky and grateful to have found a community with so many willing mentors who encouraged me to study and practice simultaneously and to forge strong connections with the professional field.”

Nicholas A. Brown, MSLIS 2017Nicholas Brown

Student of the Year 2016-2017


Assistant Chief, Library of Congress Music Division

“The CUA LIS program empowers students to develop unique perspectives on how to bring about positive change in the information professions. The wide range of course offerings and access to the faculty provide for an enriching graduate education. The sense of community created by the professors, staff, alumni, and student organizations is unmatched and I feel fortunate to be a part of the CUA LIS network.”

Katie Santa Ana, MSLIS 2017Katie Santa Ana

Sisters of Loretto
Nerinx, Kentucky


Michael Cummings, MSLIS 2016Michael Cummings

Assistant Museum Librarian
Systems and Information Technology
Thomas J. Watson Library
The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Andrea Yu, MSLIS 2016Andrea Yu

Upper School Librarian,
Episcopal Academy, Newtown Square, PA

Maddie Davis, MSLIS 2016 Maddie Davis

River Bend Middle School
Loudoun County Public Schools

“The CUA Library and Information Science community represents the best in the Library and Information Science profession. They welcomed me into the LIS community and this positive and hands-on environment allowed me to grow and become the professional I am today. As a LIS alum, I continue to promote this positivity in my school library and community.”

Edgardo Guerrero, MSLIS 2016Edgardo Guerrero

Library Media Specialist
Brookland MS, D.C. Public Schools

“Information Literacy has become one of the most valuable skills to have in the 21st Century.  CUA’s faculty and community encourage students to become torchbearers in the library and information science profession by nurturing the passion for lifelong learning.  I can easily say that the LIS program, staff, extracurricular activities and job prospects make the CUA LIS program an excellent educational investment.” 

Savanna Nolan, MSLIS 2016Savanna Nolan

Instruction and Faculty Services Librarian
University of Georgia School of Law 

Shane Walker, MSLIS 2016Shane Walker

Library Media Specialist
Rogers Heights Elementary School
Prince George’s County Public Schools, MD



Christopher Burroughs, MSLIS 2015Christopher Burroughs

Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch
National Archives, College Park, MD

Martha Chapin, MSLIS 2015Martha Chapin

Cataloging/reference librarian
Rochester Public Library



Jack Dale, MSLIS 2015 Jack Dale

Senior Research Librarian
BAE Systems
Springfield, Virginia

“I was impressed by the University’s and the LIS Department’s tradition of service. This imperative to serve came through in all my classes and in my interactions with the faculty and my fellow students. It’s a belief and an attitude I hope to take with me wherever I may go in my professional life.”

Jennifer Fagan-Fry, MSLIS  2015Jennifer Fagan-Fry

Senior Metadata & Cataloging Librarian
LAC Group on assignment at the NOAA Central & Regional Libraries

Deena Gorland, MSLIS 2015Deena Gorland

Librarian and Archivist
Melvin Sabshin, M.D., Library & Archives
American Psychiatric Association Foundation

Rachel James, MSLIS 2015Rachel James

Digital Access Librarian
Office of Minority Health Resource Center

Rebecca Katz, MSLIS 2015Rebecca Katz

Public Records Administrator
District of Columbia Office of Public Record

Alyse Minter, MSLIS 2015
Alyse Minter

Research Librarian
Domestic Social Policy
Congressional Research Service

Alisha Strother, MSLIS 2015Alisha Strother

Metadata Librarian
Howard University Library

Patrick Milhoan, MSLIS 2015Patrick Milhoan

Lead Processing Archivist
Hesburgh Libraries
University of Notre Dame

“Catholic University’s MSLIS program provides students with an appropriate mix of theoretical and practical knowledge, which results in a well-rounded and marketable information professional.”


Angela June (Aranas) Kent, MSLIS 2014Angela Aranas Kent

Student of the Year, 2014

Head of Reference, Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Beta Phi Mu, SLA Rising Star, ALA Emerging Leader

Sara Boteler, MSLIS 2014Sara Boteler

National Archives at Riverside

Anne Mira Guha, MSLIS  2014Anne Mira Guha

Reference Librarian & Adjunct Professor of Law
Georgetown University

Claire Hendry, MSLIS  2014Claire Hendry

Reference Librarian
North Brunswick Public Library,
North Brunswick, NJ

Linda Gwinn-Casey, MSLIS  2014Linda Gwinn-Casey

School Library Media Specialist
Belmont Ridge Middle School,
Loudoun County Public Schools, VA

“I am grateful for the education I received at The Catholic University of America.  Enrolling in the Online Weekend Learning (OWL) Program enables returning students like me to dedicate and balance independent study time, monthly class meetings, and full time employment.  The School Library Media Specialist track offers challenging coursework and a practicum experience that prepared me for my current job as a School Librarian in Loudoun County Public Schools.”

Veralrose Hylton, MSLS 2004, MSIT-HIT 2014Veralose Hylton

AARP Library

Joseph Koivisto, MSLIS 2014Joseph Koivisto

Student of the Year 2015

Systems Librarian, Consortial Library Applications Support, University of Maryland


Mindy Lawrence, MSLIS 2014Mindy Lawrence

Instructional Librarian,
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School

“Catholic University’s robust School Library program fully prepared me to lead in my library, classroom, and school. Courses in Children’s Literature, Educational Technology, and School Library Management helped me craft and implement a forward-thinking vision of a 21st century school library that I now get to realize in my current position. ​”


Christian Minter, MSLIS 2013 Christian Minter

Education Coordinator, National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Mid Continental Region
Education & Research Services Librarian, University of Nebraska Medical Center

April Moyo, MSLIS 201320210612_164718.jpg

Librarian and Technology Integration Specialist
Congressional School 

Marcus Ladd, MSLIS 2013 Marcus Ladd

Special Collections Digital Librarian, Miami University


Ana Elisa de Campos Salles, MSLIS 2012Ana Elisa de Campos

Student of the Year 2013

Senior Librarian,
Palo Alto City Library, California

Trevor Riley, MSLIS 2012Trevor Riley

Head, Public Services
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



Gena Chattin, MSLIS 2011Gena Chattin


Digital Archivist,
Tulane University

“CUA’s program gave me the opportunity to gain experience in multiple areas of the profession. It provided a solid foundation in time-tested LIS skills and then showed how we can apply them in many different professional roles. CUA’s location in the nation’s capital also provided endless internship and networking opportunities. Even when I left Washington after graduation, I was pleasantly surprised to find that CUA LIS grads are everywhere. To be a CUA LIS alum is truly to be part of a community.”

Kathy Brennan, MSLS 2011Kathy Brennan

User Experience Researcher


Laura Puls, MSLS 2010Laura Puls

Research Librarian, Center for Victim Research
Justice Research and Statistics Association

Past position: Associate Director, Research, Instruction, and Digital Resources at the Council on Foreign Relations

“CUA’s library and information science program exposed me to a variety of fulfilling roles for librarians. The courses on special libraries, reference, and project management prepared me to work in think thanks addressing real world issues. The skills I developed for finding, evaluating, and organizing information are essential for my career. The faculty, staff, and my classmates embodied the service-oriented, collaborative spirit of librarianship that inspire my own professional values and work ethic.”


Bianca Crowley, MSLS 2009Bianca Crowley

Digital Collections Manager
Biodiversity Heritage Library
Smithsonian Libraries


Erin Engle, MSLS 2009 Erin Engle

Digital Archivist,
Library of Congress

“CUA’s program grounded me in the core principles of information management and the unique issues facing libraries, particularly managing both emerging and traditional information sources and content.  I really learned how important these skills are for helping to grow and foster library and information communities in today’s ever-changing technology-based environment.”

John Danneker, MSLS 2009 john-dean-bedroom_edit.jpg

Dean of Libraries at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA

After a nationwide search, John was appointed Dean of Libraries at Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. He will lead teams of over one hundred personnel in supporting the academic and student success mission of Western, a comprehensive regional state university which enrolls more than 13,000 undergraduate students. This position follows John's nine years as the Director of Learning Services & Odegaard Undergraduate Library -- supplemented by a concurrent Strategic Projects Librarian role from 2021-23 -- at the University of Washington Libraries in Seattle. Read more about John's new role in the WWU News release.

Linda Todd, MSLS 2009 Linda Todd

Reference and Instructional Librarian
Assistant Professor
Library & Learning Services,
Marymount University



Alyssa M. Valenti, MSLIS 2007Alyssa Valenti

Electronic Resources & Web Services Librarian
Evelyn S. Field Library
Raritan Valley Community College

“Having the opportunity to study library and information science in our nation’s capital is an experience that has followed me throughout my career path in libraries. I am fortunate to have had the privilege to learn from the knowledgeable faculty and staff at both SLIS and the CUA Libraries as I was a GLP during my time at CUA.”

Lynn Weinstein, MSLS 2007Lynn Weinstein

Librarian, Business Reference Services,
Science, Technology & Business Division
Library of Congress

Grace Wu, MSLS 2007Grace Wu

Technical Services Librarian
Office of Analysis & Research Services
United States International Trade Commission

Nora Daly McGregor, MSLS 2007Nora Daly

Student of the Year 2008


Digital Curator,
Digital Research Team, British Library

“I am a qualified Librarian with a particular interest in how digital technologies are transforming research processes and environments in the 21st century and how that in turn shapes future library service provision. CUA-SLIS was pivotal in the development of my career, very supportive and an excellent program all around.  I am always indebted.”



Jennifer Krafchik, MSLS 2006Jennifer Krafchik

Deputy Director and Director of Strategic Initiatives, National Woman’s Party at the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument


Cristina D. Ramirez, MPA, MSLS, MACristina Ramirez

Doctoral Student, Educational Leadership
ALA Councilor-at-Large, 2007-2016/ALA-APA Councilor, 2007-2016
Board of Trustees, Science Museum of Virginia
Board of Directors, Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities
Leadership Metro Richmond, Class 2008
Community Trustbuilding Fellowship, Class of 2015
Style Weekly, Top 40 Under 40, 2013
Assistant Area Library Manager, Varina Area Library, Henrico County Public Library
Former Library Manager Sandston Branch, Henrico County Public Library
Former Library Manager Broad Rock Branch, Richmond Public Library
Former Assistant Professor/Social & Behavioral Sciences Collections Librarian, Virginia Commonwealth University


James Patrick Timony, MSLS 2004James Timony

Librarian, Adaptive Technology
Center for Accessibility
DC Public Library

Robert A. Cagna, MSLS 2004Robert Cagna

Associate Professor and Dean,
Hackney Library at Barton College in North Carolina


Melissa “Millie” Plotkin, MSLS 2000 Millie Plotkin

Eating Recovery Center


Jerry Simmons, MSLS 1997Jerry Simmons

NARA Liaison to SNAC (Social Networks and Archival Context)
Office of Innovation
National Archives and Records Administration


Stephen Connaghan, MSLS 1994 Stephen Connaghan

University Librarian,
The Catholic University of America

Steve Connaghan’s Interview with the Alumni Office 


Mark Sweeney, MSLS 1991Mark Sweeney

Principal Deputy Librarian of Congress,
Washington, DC


Laurie Hall, MSLS 1983Laurie Hall

Superintendent of Documents,
Managing Director of Library
Services & Content Management,

Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC


Fred Shapiro, MSLS 1983 Fred Sharpiro

Associate Director for Collections and Access Services
Lecturer in Legal Research
Lillian Goldman Law Library
Yale Law School


Sohair Wastawy, MSLS 1983 Sohair Wastawy

Executive Director,
Qatar National Library

Dr. Wastawy graduated from the School of Library and Information Science in 1983, and went on to earn a Doctor of Arts in Library and Information Management from Simmons College. She has served as a librarian in Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.



Ned Quist, MSLS 1979Ned Quist

Associate University Librarian
for Research and Outreach Services
Brown University



Mary Augusta Thomas, MSLS 1978 Mary Augusta Thomas

Deputy Director,
the Smithsonian Libraries

Mary Augusta Thomas is Deputy Director of the Smithsonian Libraries guiding the operation of twenty-one libraries located in the museums and research centers of the Smithsonian, and Administration, Exhibitions, and Preservation Services. Ms. Thomas is the author of An Odyssey in Print: Adventures in Smithsonian Libraries, 2002, and editor of Information Imagineering: Meeting at the Interface, with Milton Wolfe and Pat Ensor, 1998. Mary Augusta serves on editorial advisory boards for professional journals (portal: Libraries and the Academy), on the Publishing Committee of the American Library Association, and is the Secretary of the Knowledge Management Section of the International Federation of Library Associations. In 2017 she received the Raymond Von Dran Memorial Award. In her free time, she actually reads books.



Alcione Amos, MSLS 1974 Alcione Amos

Museum Curator,
Smithsonian Anacostia Community Museum

Ms. Amos’s career included 27 years as a researcher and then librarian at the World Bank, and before that, from 1974-1977 worked at the George Washington University Library before it was Gelman.
(Photo by Susana Raab/Anacostia Community Museum/Smithsonian Institution)