Comprehensive Exam Dates
To view Comprehensive Exam dates for your semester, please view the Course Schedules page.
Registering for Comprehensive Exam (must register by add/drop deadline)
To register for the comprehensive exam, you need to complete the Comprehensive Exam Checklist Form to get permission. The department office will review your eligibility based on the form submitted. After the department confirms that you have met the requirements to sit for comps (that you have completed all credits, including the core courses, and have attended the comps workshop), you will receive an email from the department following your attendance at the comps workshop that your permission was processed. You may enroll in LSC 698A with classes during the same semester you are taking comps or enroll in LSC 698B without classes. Learn more about registration
Overview and Accommodations
A candidate for the M.S.L.I.S. degree must pass a comprehensive examination that tests a common knowledge base in the field of Library and Information Science. The purpose of the examination is to verify that the candidate is able to perform at a professional level at the time of his/her first appointment.
Students are expected to demonstrate knowledge of the philosophy, history, current issues, social roles, and major problems of the profession in general, including such areas as applications of technology, organization of resources, provision of service, and management of libraries and other information agencies. They will be asked to demonstrate knowledge of the theories and principles on which current practices in the information professions are based. In addition, they will be expected to demonstrate their awareness of the research literature in library and information science and related fields. They are expected to demonstrate their ability to evaluate research findings by supporting their answers with references to the professional literature and to class content.
In addition to the University's policy on comprehensive examinations, Library and Information Science faculty require that eligible students have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in classes taken in Library and Information Science, with no outstanding incomplete grades. Students must also be completing classes that bring them up to 36 credits (or 30 with an advanced degree) the semester of the examination. Students will not be allowed to register for more than 12 credits the semester they are taking the comprehensive examination (see course load policy).
Catholic University and the Department of Library and Information Science strive to meet the needs of students who require accommodations in order to take the comprehensive exam. Requests for accommodations are made through the Office of Disability Support Services. You must submit your request and supporting documentation to the university's Office of Disability Support Services (Pryzbyla Center, Suite 201; 202-319-5211).
Questions from previous semesters are available to study and aid in your preparation for the comprehensive exam.